Adforest Classified ads app is foremost and modern classified apps for android designed to grow your business. With our mobile classifieds app, you can manage product listing for your ad posting business. It is the best-classified apps comes up with awesome handy features including Multi-Currency front end Added, Bad Word Filter, AD Expiry Limits, Ad Status, Google map integration, Location or Price base search plus user can contact seller/buyer with massaging system and many more outstanding features that most of the mobile classifieds app doesn’t support. Just purchase Classifieds app install the plugin make the changes you want and your app is organized to use. You can upload the app with your business brand name and handle more products smoothly.
- Bump up ad
- User Public Profile
- Seller Mobile No Verified
- Push Notification With Fire Base
- Google Analytics
- AdMobe Integrated
- Intelligent Advance Search
- Multi Currency front end
- Google map integration
- Translation for famous Languages
- Images Re ordering
- Category Based Featured ads feature
- Simple ad expiry
- Bad Word Filter
- Unlimited Custom Fields
- Featured Ads
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