Manage inventory, generate invoices and streamline your point of sale operations effortlessly with our Smart Inventory Billing POS Script. Boost efficiency and take control of your business processes. Explore the future of retail management today!

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Solution Offered By : Scriptzol Store


Poszol – Smart Inventory Billing POS Software is an application that helps businesses process sales transactions and manage their inventory. POS software is typically used in retail stores and other businesses where customers purchase goods or services in person. The reports can be easily generated. It helps to track inventory levels, that is to check stocks present and not available.This technology streamlines your operations by managing sales, inventory, and customers on a single interface. It expedites the ordering process, enabling you to provide prompt and effective client service. Automates complex calculations, including taxes and discounts, reducing human error and saving time.Provides fast and accurate search, allowing staff to find items easily. It generates professional receipts with transaction details and store information.


  • Admin Panel
  • Product and Category Management
  • Out of Stock notification
  • Manage suppliers the easy way
  • Customer management in simple way
  • Complete sales management
  • Complete purchase management
  • Manage Sales Return
  • Manage Purchase Return
  • Proper dues management
  • Print Each and Every Transaction
  • Search Functionalities: Id and Name
  • Daily and Monthly Sales
  • Calculates Total Sales Amount
  • Bulk import and export data
  • Paylater / Credit transaction option
  • Consistent and customizable reports
  • GST Invoice
  • Stock inventory
  • 24/7 Support
  • 30 Days Free Support
  • Our products are Easy Installation & Configuration
  • Our Codes are reusability
  • Our products are Safe & Secure


Supplier Management

Supplier Management streamlines supplier tracking, suppliier reports, and other processes related to supplier. It optimizes procurement, ensuring a smooth supply of products and improved business efficiency.

Poszol Supplier Management
Poszol Allow - Customer Management

Customer Management

Customer Management features include customer profiles, sales history, loyalty programs, all designed to strengthen customer relationships and improve the shopping experience

Product And Category Management

In the POS Script, Product and Category Management simplifies organization and sales with features for adding/updating products, categorization, inventory tracking, pricing control, and reporting in a user-friendly interface.

Poszol Product and Category Management
Poszol Sales Transactions

Sales Transactions

The Point of Sale Script streamlines sales transactions, covering item selection, order processing, payment collection, and receipt generation, simplifying sales management for businesses.

Sales Return

Sales Return feature in the Point of Sale Script streamlines the process of handling product returns. It efficiently manages returns, including refunds or replacements, ensuring excellent customer service and accurate inventory management.

Poszol Sales Return
Poszol Payment Methods

Payment Methods: Cash Or Credit

POS Script offers convenient payment methods, with customers being able to pay either in cash or through credit card transactions. This flexibility in payment options is a key feature, ensuring a smooth and versatile checkout process for customers and businesses alike.

Purchase Transactions

The system allows for the easy management and tracking of purchase transactions, ensuring efficient record-keeping for business operations.

Poszol Purchase Transactions
Poszol Purchase Return

Purchase Return

This streamlines the process of handling returns from suppliers. It records return reasons, tracks returned products, and manages related documentation, enhancing the efficiency of return operations and supplier relationships.

Dues Management

Dues Management involves overseeing and handling outstanding payments, ensuring efficient tracking and resolution of financial obligations.

Poszol Dues Management
Poszol Export data

Export Data

It simplifies data management by allowing you to extract and save transaction data in CSV format. It’s a valuable tool for generating reports and conducting financial analysis.

Why Choose

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