Sunshine Child and Family Counseling

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You thought parenthood would bring you a sense of pleasure and joy. That you would have someone to guide, teach, and share your values with and someone you could take such pride in watching grow. course, you knew there would be challenging moments, and that being a good parent would be hard work, but you truly believed the bad moments would be fleeting and the great ones would outshine everything else.

When you look at your family today, you feel like you’ve come to a worried and confused place. Your child is struggling to find herself in the world and is anxious and sad every day. She just can’t seem to find her stride and is stuck in a place of worry and awkwardness. On the worst days, you take your frustrations out on each other and grow further apart as you see that maybe this isn’t a phase after all and maybe school, friendships, and responsibilities never will be easy.

Well, we’re here to tell you you’re not alone. Behavior problems, adjusting to new phases of life, and anxiety do not have to tear your family apart. You and your child are completely capable of navigating the demands on your individual lives and building a strong long-lasting relationship through the process.

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