MercuryMinds Technologies Pvt Ltd

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MercuryMinds Technologies Pvt Ltd is a popular ecommerce service and solution provider based in Chennai, India. The company offers it’s services to clients all over the world, with it’s services spanning across a wide range of spheres such as E-Commerce, Retail Commerce, M-Commerce, Social Commerce and TV Commerce. MercuryMinds is equipped with well experienced and highly efficient teams, which can provide cost effective and reliable solutions and services, according to the clients’ needs. Ever since it’s inception in 2008, the company has had the good fortune of designing and developing more than 350+ online shopping businesses.

Among the long array of prizes and awards won by MercuryMinds are ‘Nasscom Emerge 50’ and ‘mobile web award’ from “Web Marketing Associations”. The key services undertaken by MercuryMinds are: Design & Development, Support & Maintenance, Business Consulting, Crowdsourcing, Product development etc.

MercuryMinds provides various solutions such as: Shopping Cart Development, Modules/Add-ons/Plug-in development, Template/Design Development, ECommerce Catalog Management Service, Magento Warrior, Mobile Shopping Apps Development, Mobile Shopping Sites, Mobile Commerce Application Integration, Mobile Payment Gateways , SEO, SEM, SMM, SMO, Email Marketing, Online Reputation Management, Google Penalty Removal, Application/Platforms Development, Application Integration,
Business Management System, Inventory Management, Point of Sale, Customer Relationship Management, Payment gateways, TV Shopping Apps Development, TV Commerce Application Integration, TV Commerce Payment Gateways etc.

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