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Shine Software

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Shine Software® is a company dedicated to providing reliable and fast internet services as well as to the creation of Magento eCommerce . Our Data Center is strategically located at the Caldera Center in Milan and we use the infrastructure of the KPNQwest. Shine Software® is an Italian company with staff, servers, data centers, dedicated lines and offices in Italy. The company has been structured to meet the demands of a dynamic market. We are improving more and more by relying on new and innovative technologies related to web communication, thus meeting the needs of our customers.

We specialize in web hosting services and the design and implementation of software applications . Our reputation is built on customer service (from registering a domain name to support for website creation).

Our success is thanks to the size of the same company created to meet the specific needs of our customers and to provide reliable services at competitive prices. The continuous promotions in the field of hosting and hosting allow our customers to invest in their activities allowing a fast technological growth that will allow the company a feedback in the services offered to its customers.

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