Aussielifecare NDIS SIL Providers in Ballarat, Cranbourne, Lalor, Reservior, Alfredton, Victoria Melbourne -STA Support in Victoria

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Aussie Life Care aims to empower and promote the social, economic and cultural inclusion of people with disabilities with the help of transformative care from the NDIS. As a registered NDIS service provider, we strive to provide a more equitable and sustainable future for differently-abled individuals through customised and goal-oriented care plans. Our fundamental approach to disability care is founded on our passion to build a more inclusive world where individuals are respected and their capabilities are valued despite their disability.

NDIS Disability Service in Melbourne , QLD, TAS, Victoria

                                                  NDIS  SIL / SDA/ STA /MTA Provider in Victoria, Melbourne, TAS, QLD

Disability support services open up a variety of opportunities for equitable and independent living for people with disabilities. Aussie Life Care is a registered NDIS service provider based in Victoria, Melbourne, TAS, QLD and we play a significant role in delivering these services which address the individual disability needs of each participant in the NDIS. Through our disability support services, we aim to reduce the impact of a person’s disability on their daily functional capacity and life goals. Our services like Assistance with Daily Living, Supported Independent Living and SDA Support can help the participants to live an independent and self-sufficient lifestyle where they have access to expert help and assistance in managing how they live and where they live. NDIS services like Community Nursing Care, Medication Management, Wound Management, Catheter Care, can help them to take care of their complex healthcare needs and improve their functional capacity. We also assist with Community Participation and Respite Support/ STA /MTA  through which the participants can learn new skills and strengthen their social relationships. If they have Respite Support funding in their NDIS plan, then the participants can access Short Term and Medium-Term Accommodation in Victoria, Melbourne, Queensland and Tasmania through Aussie Life Care. Even if you are unfamiliar with the NDIS and its various supports and services, we have your back through our Support Coordination service in Victoria, Melbourne, TAS, QLD. Our experienced Support Coordinators will guide you through the entire NDIS journey. Contact us today to know more.

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