Lessons Learned Solutions

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Your proven solution for lessons learned

Lessonflow is a platform to standardize the way you collect, store, share and reuse lessons learned.

Capture Validate Action Improve

 You learn something new on every project.


Lessons come from a variety of sources including, 8Ds, corrective actions, project reviews, workshops and retrospectives. Lessonflow allows you to capture relevant lessons from any source, quickly, easily, and consistently.

Integration with your existing software systems ensures the quality as well as the relevance of your lessons.


Validation is key as it ensures that the identified lesson is relevant, actionable, and that the proposed solutions are suitable.

Use Lessonflow to ensure the quality and effectiveness of lessons, resulting in meaningful and relevant lessons being pushed to the people who most need to implement them.


Without action there is no change and without change lessons are not learned. Lessonflow automatically creates actions based on the profile of the lesson and the required actionee.

Automated “reading across” of relevant lessons to new projects or programs means that no lesson is ever missed. Approved actions and recommendations are identified, documented, allocated, and tracked to completion.


Only by embedding lessons learned in your procedures and acting on them do you see improvement.

Most organizations capture lessons but fail to learn them. If you repeatedly identify the same issues or have low-quality lessons, switch from a lessons learned database to the Lessonflow lessons management system and drive continual performance improvement.

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