Odoo companies

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Odoo is a collection of business-related apps and modules including CRM, Sales management, E-commerce, Warehouse management, Purchase management, Accounting accounting, Manufacturing management, HRMS, etc. Enterprise Resource Planning software is the collective name of all these component . Odoo is easy to implement with detailed documentation. Odoo have more than 4 million users and it is suitable to all scale business. so one of the advantage of odoo is its flexibilty. odoo comes up in 2 parts that are enterprises and community edition.Enterprises is paid and community comes without any cost. odoo community is open source version and odoo enterprise is licensed and shared version.Paid version that include various exclusive features and services compared to odoo community version.

Odoo was introduced in the year 2005 and 16 years passed and many versions are launched. Odoo can quickly implement in business environment,eventhough it is challenging.Based on number of module implement it takes 2 to 20 months time.before implementing odoo company needs to be analysed.then accordingly develop platform. Then only implementation can done successfully. training and support to operate them is also part of successful implementation. both functional and technical training should be done.There are many odoo partner companies allover the world.They have right and expertise professionals for the implementation process.

some other advantages odoo are this can be easily integrate with third party service providers such as SMS,social medias etc. and they are technologically up to date.various industry specific modules are available in odoo apps.and its user friendliness make it different. There are thousands of Odoo companies around the world. Find the best odoo partner for successful implementation.

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