Auxesis Group is a blockchain innovation and development company with offices based in Mumbai, London and San Francisco, and ranked among The Top 100 most Influential Blockchain companies across the Globe. AuxLedger, Auxesis’s propriety enterprise-grade blockchain infrastructure has been deployed in a number of organisations and Govt bodies, is right now powering over 50 million users, and transacted millions of dollars for clients in banking, insurance and public sector. Auxesis has started India’s first Blockchain Lab ( which is evolving Auxledger and running multiple research projects in collaboration with IIT Bombay and Delhi University to create blockchain applications for military organisations in India. These projects include distributed highly secure messaging wearables powered by blockchain network, among many others. Furthermore, Auxesis with Quatrro, VISA and DCB Bank is powering a blockchain network backed prepaid card which is being launched by State Govt of Andhra Pradesh.